accordingly, consequently, hence, so, therefore(thus)


1)accordingly :书面用词,强调根据某种原因而得出的结果,其前可用冒号或分号,但不用逗号。

eg: He was told to speak briefly; accordingly he cut short his remarks. (人家叫他说话简短, 于是他就长话短说了。)

2)consequently :正式用词,侧重符合逻辑的结果。

eg: She was a bright and eager student and, consequently, did well in school.(她是个聪明好学的学生, 因此学习成绩很好。)

3)hence :较正式用词,指接下来的东西是理所当然的必需的东西,但强调其重要性。

eg: It's handmade and hence expensive. (这是手工做的, 因此很贵。)

4)so :用于比较随便的场合,口语中多用。

eg: 1.The dog was hungry, so we fed it.(狗饿了, 所以我们喂它。)

      2.I gave you a map so you wouldn't get lost.( 我给你一张地图, 这样你就不会迷路了。)

5)therefore :通常指引出一个推断出的必然结论。可与thus相互替换

eg: They therefore can do nothing good of themselves.(所以他们靠自己是什么好事也做不成的。)
