
izev.1. 消毒或杀菌2. 使绝育

All surgical instruments must besterilized before use.(所有的外科手术器械在使用之前,必须消毒。)

n. 定额工作,定量,任期v.限制,节制

Don’t stint yourself; take all you want.(不要限制自己, 想要多少拿多少。)

dn. 薪俸,薪金(尤指牧师的)

atev. 讲明,规定(某要求)

Some manufacturers stipulate the price at which their goods are to be sold.(有些制造商规定出售他们生产的商品的价格。)

la. 坚忍自持的

a stoical response to pain(对疼痛能忍)

v. 给(炉子)添燃料,烧火

He was stoking the fire with wood.(他正在给火添木头。)

lev. 1.蔓生,蔓延2. 掉队

Keep up with the rest of us and don’t straggle.(要跟上我们的人, 别掉队。)

eda.1. 勉强的2. 心力交瘁的

Relations are rather strained at present.(目前关系有些紧张。)

uren. 谴责,苛评

tionn. 征服,臣服


sionn.1. 归顺,屈从2. 提交

ibev. 1.认捐,捐助2. 订阅(to),预约(for3. 签署

He subscribed liberally to charities.(他向慈善事业慷慨捐款。)

ctv. 减去,扣除

Please subtract a quarter of the money for your own use.(请从你的零用钱中扣除四分之一。)

sionn. 1. 颠覆

nn. 吸,吸力

ancen. 宽容,容忍

on sufferance:出于宽容,勉强答应

atev. (使)窒息而死,把闷死

The smoke and fumes almostsuffocated me.(烟雾差点儿把我闷死了。)

gen. (政治性选举的)选举权

n. 追求某女子的人

n./v. 怄气

He is in the sulks today.(他今天在生闷气.)
