
1.“主句(had done), before + 过去时间状语 ”
I had reached the station before six o'clock.

2. “用在told, said, knew, heard, thought等动词后的宾语从句,表示动作发生在这些动词之前。”
She said that she had never been to Paris.(她说她从未去过巴黎。)

3.“用在 Hardly(scarcely, barely)…when…, No sooner…than…句型中”
Hardly had I got home when the rain poured down. (我刚到家大雨就倾盆而下。)

4.“By the time + 从句(did/was/were), 主语 + had done…”
By the time we arrived, everyone had received medical care.(我们到达时,每个人已接受了医疗护理。)

5.“主语 +had done…, before 从句(did/was/were)”
Fortunately, the population had left the village before the volcano erupted.(幸运的是,火山喷发前人们已离开了村庄。)

6.“主语 +had done…, when 从句(did/was/were)”
No sooner had he left home than it began to rain. (他一离开家天就下起雨来。)

7.“用在 It /This/That was the first…time + that 从句 (had done)中”
It was the third time that he had made the same mistake. (这是他第三次犯同样的错误了。)

8.“用在It was/had been + 一段时间 + since 从句 (had done)中”
It was ten years since we had had such a wonderful time.(十年我们都没这麽高兴了。)

9.“用在 wish 后的宾语从句中,表示与过去事实相反。”
I wished that he hadn't made such a mistake. (我希望他从未犯过这样的错误。)

10.“用于表示与过去事实相反的if 虚拟条件句中”
If she had seen you yesterday, she would have told you the truth.(如果她昨天见过你,她会告诉你事实的真相。)
