卡森收到了男仆朋友的来信 据说有很多关于玛丽的传闻~

Your Ladyship, do you have a moment?

Of course.

1__________________________________, my lady, from a friend of mine. He's valet to the Marquess of Flintshire.

I don't envy him.

Lord Flintshire is a minister at the Foreign Office.

As you know, Lady Flintshire is His Lordship's cousin.

Oh, of course, of course. The point is, he has dealing with the Turkish ambassador. It seems His Excellency has made him privy to a scurrilous story concerning Lady Mary and the late...

Mr Pamuk.


Is there anything you want me to do about it?

No, thank you. Sometimes even to deny these things is only to throw paraffin onto the flames.

I did try to inform His Lordship



Quite right. Please leave His Lordship to me.

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I have received a letter May I read this letter But I couldn't seem to find the right moment
夫人,能否耽误您片刻。 当然。 我收到一封朋友的来信,他是弗林特夏尔伯爵的贴身男仆。 那可不是轻松的差事,伯爵是外交大臣。 如你所知,他的夫人是老爷的表妹。 当然当然,我想说的是,弗林特夏尔男爵与土耳其大使打些交道,而他似乎听到一些下流的传闻,是关于玛丽小姐和已故的帕努克先生。 能否让我看看这些信。 您需要我做些什么吗? 不必了谢谢,有时候否认这种事只会是火上浇油。 我本想告知老爷。 什么? 不过现在时机似乎并不合适。 可不是吗?还是我来跟老爷说吧。