
Her Ladyship's not best pleased at being told off in public. William said she was looking



Ah, it's not your fault. Anyway, he ought to be glad he's got a daughter who cares.

Her Ladyship's ready to leave.


Are you pleased with yourself?

Silly chump.

He's nervous. He thinks I'm planning to tell Mr Carson about the wine.

Well, he shouldn't have stolen it then, should he?


Even Thomas? Even after what they tried to do to you?

Even then.

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I'm sorry I started all this I'll bring the car around. But I don't want anyone to lose their job because of me
夫人被当众斥责,心里很不舒服。 威廉说她气的两眼冒火。 都怪我多嘴,这不关你的事。 有个关心时政的女儿,他应该开心才对。 老夫人准备回去了。 我去把车开过来。 你满意了? 他就是个蠢货,他是草木皆兵。 担心我向卡森先生揭发他偷酒的事情。 早知今日何必当初,对。 可是我不想害了别人丢了工作。 即使是托马斯,当初害你的人。 即使如此。