
奥布瑞恩在和托马斯在闲聊 托马斯提到贝茨先生好像看到自己偷酒~


What's up with you?


His Lordship's blaming Mr Napier for spreading gossip about Lady Mary, but it was you, wasn'it?

1 _________________?

Because Napier wasn't in on it. Only four people knew he was in her room that night. You, me,Lady Mary, and possibly Daisy, and 2___________________________.

Well, I didnt tell about Pamuk, I just wrote that Lady Mary was no better than she ought to be.

Who did you write it to?

Only a friend of mine, valet to Lord Savident.

You know what they say about Old Savident. Not so much an open mind as an open mouth.” 

No wonder it's all round London.

You won't tell, will you? Im in enough trouble as it is.

Why, what's happened?

Mr Bates saw me 3______________.

Has he told Mr Carson?

Not yet, but he will when he's feeling spiteful. I wish we could be shot of him.

Then think of something quick. Turn the tables on him before he has a chance to nail you.



why do you say that I haven't said nothing to nobody nicking a bottle of wine
你怎么了? 没什么。 老爷怪耐皮尔先生到处散布有关玛丽小姐的留言。 其实是你干的对不对。 为什么这么说。 因为耐皮尔先生根本不知情。 那天晚上只有四个人知道他在玛丽小姐的房里。 你我玛丽小姐可能还有黛西。 而我没有跟任何人说过半句。 可我没提过帕努克先生,我信里只说玛丽小姐的品行并非无可指摘。 你写给谁?一个朋友而已。 撒韦顿老爷的贴身侍从。 你也知道人家是怎么说老赛委顿的。 老封建大嘴巴。怪不得都传遍伦敦了。 你不会说出去吧?我已经麻烦满身了。 怎么?发生了什么? 我偷酒的时候恐怕被贝茨先生看到了。 他和卡森说了么。还么有 可他发起狠的时候可能会说真希望他从眼前消失。 那就尽快想个办法。趁他还没有整你,先发制人。