Module 6 Days of the Week

Unit 16 Games We Play

football 足球

badminton 羽毛球

tennis 网球

table tennis 乒乓球

card 卡;扑克

skip 跳;跳绳

Monday 星期一

often 经常

sometimes 有时


basketball 篮球

swim 游泳

game 游戏;运动

day 天;日

week 周

activity 活动

Sunday 星期日

Tuesday 星期二

Wednesday 星期三

Thursday 星期四

Friday 星期五

Saturday 星期六

run 跑;跑步


Look and listen.Then read and act in groups.

Chen Ling:What day is it today?

Mike:It’s Monday.

Chen Ling:What do you usually do after school on Monday, Mike?

Mike:I often play foorball with my friends.

Chen Ling:Do you often play football after school?

Sally:No. Sometimes we play chess, and sometimes we play cards.

Yao Ye:Sometimes we play basketball, and sometimes we play badminton.

Chen Ling:Do you swim?

Tomoko:Yes, we do.

Jiamin:No, I don’t.

Unit 17 The Work We Do At Home


floor 地板

do gardening 做园艺工作


go shopping 去购物

out 外面

go out 出去

happy 快乐的

together 一起

make 做

watch 看

housework 家务

homework 家庭作业


Look and listen.Then read and act out the dialogue.

Billy:What do you do at home on Monday?

Yao Ye: I wash my clothes. I wash my clothes every day. Billy this is my mother.

Mother:Oh, hello, Billy.

Billy:Nice to meet you. What do you do at home on Tuesday?

Mother:I sweep the floor. I sweep the floor every day.

Yao Ye:Billy,this is my father.

Father:Oh, hello, Billy.

Billy:Nice to meet you. What do you do at home on Wednesday?

Father:I wash my car.

Yao Ye:Billy, this is my grandmother.

Grandmother:Oh, hello, Billy.

Billy: How do you do? What do you do on Thursday?

Grandmother:I do gardening on Thursday.

Billy:Then what do you do on Saturday and Sunday?

All:We go out and we are happy together.

Unit 18 Development

Story Time

Mother:David, David! It’s time to get up.

David:What time is it, Mum?

Mother:It’s nine o’clock.

David:Nine o’clock already? Oh dear! It’s very late. I must go to school.

Mother:Go to school? What day is it today?

David:is it Monday?

Mother:No. It’s Sunday.

David:Great! Let’s go to the park.


David:Look,Mother! It’s raining! We can’t go for a walk!

Mother:Don’t worry. Put on your raincoat.

David:Can Brownie go with us?

Mother:Oh no, Brownie.

David:Poor dog! You don’t have a raincoat.