Unit7 Our Future Jobs

postman邮递员 postmen邮递员(复数) nurse护士 doctor医生 driver司机 bank银行 manager经理 want想;要 be是 when当;什么时候 grow生长 up向上 grow up长大 job职业 factory工厂 worker工人 soldier士兵 farmer农民 fireman消防队员 firemen消防队员(复数) policeman警察 policemen警察(复数)

Look and listen. Then read and act out the dialogues.
Jiamin: Hello, Janet. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Janet: I want to be a nurse. What about you, Jiamin?
Jiamin: I want to be a cook.
Jiamin: Hi, Sally. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Sally: I want to be a doctor.
Jiamin: That’s a good job. What about you, Yongxian?
Yongxian: I want to be a teacher.

Let’s Learn Together
Listen to the teacher and stick the persons under their tools.

soldier士兵 policeman警察 driver司机 doctor医生 fireman消防队员 nurse护士

Unit 8 My Family Members' Jobs

athlete运动员 cleaner清洁工 waiter(男)服务员 waitress(女)服务员 lawyer律师 clerk职员 bank clerk银行职员

Look at the pictures and read the dialogues.

Miss White: Sally. What is your father's name?
Sally: John.
Miss White: What does he do?
Sally: He's a policeman.

UNIT9 Development

Story Time
Listen to the story. In groups, think of an end for the story and draw it.

Additional Words
In a group find out the names for the jobs. Then match the words with the pictures.
librarian图书馆员, 图书管理员 sailor海员, 水手 accountant会计(员), 会计师 judge法官, 审判员