



Yes, everyone appreciates a good neighbor. You know the kind that helps you with the groceries, but doesn't ask why is your son so moody? The type that delivers misplaced mail, but doesn't point out your wife seems discontented. The sort that offers to mow your lawn, but doesn't mention your husband seems cold. But if you're not sure the man next door is as nice as he would have you believe, do everything you can to get to know him better.
没错,好邻居人人都喜欢。 那个辛勤帮你拿杂货的人却从不过问“为何你儿子们闷闷不乐?”那个把发错的邮件送到府上的人,却不告知你太太似乎满腹牢骚。主动要求帮忙修剪草坪的人,却只字不提你那冷酷的丈夫。 如若你不确定,住在隔壁的人是否是名副其实的好邻居,那就尽你所能地去了解他。