



The truth is, everyone breaks the rules now and then, never thinking for one second they might get caught. But if they do, they simply ask for forgiveness. And most of the time, they receive it. But some acts are so wicked, they demand only our condemnation. How do people avoid such a fate? Well, the trick is knowing which rules are made to be broken, and which rules are not.
事实上,所有的人都会偶尔犯规,而且从未想过可能会被人发现。 但如果他们意识到,他们会恳求他人的原谅。 多数时候,他们都能如愿以偿,可是有些所作所为如此恶毒,他们理应收到谴责。 人们怎样才能避免这样的命运? 这样说吧,秘诀在于,要知道那些规则是可以违反的,而哪些规则则不能。