



Faith is a belief in something that cannot be proven. So we trust in the words of the only father we've ever known. We believe the promises of the woman who shares our bed. We rely on the example of dear friends who help us to be better people. Yes, we all want to believe in those we are closest to, but where there is doubt, our faith begins to vanish, and fear rushes in to take its place.
信仰是你所相信却又无法证明的东西。 所以我们相信我们唯一认识的父亲的话,我们相信跟我们同床共枕的女人的誓言,我们以最好的朋友为榜样,他们能帮助我们完善自己。 是的,我们都愿意相信我们亲近的人,但当疑虑出现时,我们的信仰开始消失不见……取而代之的是恐惧。