Do reporters for newspapers look down on reporters from TV and vice versa? It is quite a different discipline and there is an element of that, both ways. I think a journalist has to compile a much more detailed story because it's going into print whereas TV journalists generally have to fill a couple of minutes and they tend to have a lot of backup with them, they have a team. We think we work harder for our money and we're required to understand the story in greater depth. You have to admire the TV reporters though for their ability to sum something up in such a short time, you tend to think they sit around all day just taking notes but they're not thoughtless when the lights are turned on. They're not just pretty faces after all! How do you cope with deadlines? They are just a normal daily occurrence. You always think you're not going to hit it but you normally do. There is some bothering going on, but you can tell the shouts get louder when you get closer to the deadlines. TV journalists tend to have to do a number of reports during the course of the day whereas we only have to make one edition, quite often a story will change quite dramatically so we might file four different versions of the same story to hit that deadline. Do you think that the press invades the privacy of certain people? Yes, we definitely do. The question is whether that's justified or not. That depends on whose privacy you're invading and why. I personally don't know why we would be taking pictures of people topless on the beach, but if they are celebrities and they have done something of public interest, for example, developed a drug habit and sought treatment for that, then we should report that, as they're happy to take part in the media circus to secure them millions of pounds a year.
报刊新闻工作者与电视新闻工作者是否会互相瞧不起? 二者工作有着不同的准则。我认为报刊新闻工作者要编辑许多详细的报道,因为这些报道要被印刷出来。而电视新闻工作者通常要录好长时间的节目,必须有很多的备份文件,他们是一个团队。我们觉得我们赚钱更辛苦,因为我们需要更深入地了解事情。你不得不佩服那些电视新闻工作者,他们能在很短的时间内整合所有材料。你也许会觉得他们整天坐在那儿,只是记笔记,但是开始录制节目时,他们并非没有他们自己的思想。毕竟,他们不仅仅只是脸蛋漂亮! 你是如何应付截稿日期的? 你觉得媒体侵犯了某些人的隐私吗? 截稿日期每天都会有。我们总认为我们不会按时交稿,但正常情况下我们还是会的。烦扰伴随着我们,但当临近截稿日期时,可以让它们叫的更大声些。电视新闻工作者在一天中往往要做多场报道,而我们只需写一版报导。经常一个故事会发生戏剧性变化,所以我们要编辑好四种不同的新闻,以便应付交稿。 是的,我们当然是这样。问题是,这样合不合理。这取决于侵犯谁的隐私、为什么要侵犯隐私。我个人不知道为什么我们要曝光人们在沙滩上的半裸照,但如果此人是名流,并做了让公众感兴趣的事情,比如,犯毒瘾,并且寻求治疗,那我们就应该报道,因为他们很喜欢加入媒体圈,确保自己每年上百万收入。