


From the moment we wake up in the morning till our head hits the pillow at night our lives are filled with questions. Most are easily answered and soon forgotten, but some questions are much harder to ask because we're so afraid of the answer. Will I be around to watch my children grow up? Am I making a mistake by marrying this man? Could he ever truly love me? And what happens when we ask ourselves the hard question and get the answer we'd been hoping for? Well, that's when happiness begins.
从我们清晨醒来,到我们夜晚入睡,我们的生活充满了疑问。 一些容易回答,也容易被忘记;有些问题却难以提出,因为我们害怕知道答案—— 我能否或者看到孩子们长大?我是否嫁对了人?他是否会真心爱我?以及,当我们终于开口问了问题,也得到了我们希望得到的答案,又会发生什么事情? 幸福的生活将从此开始。