
It is guaranteed to raise a cheer among those who enjoy a tipple, moderate drinkers are better thinkers than teetotallers or those who overindulge. Research by the Australian National University in Canberra suggests drinking in moderation boost your brainpower. But none at all, or too much, can make you a dullard. A study of 7,000 people in their early 20s, 40s and 60s found that those who drank within safe limits had better verbal skills, memory and speed of thinking than those at the extremes of the drinking spectrum. The safe consumption level was considered to be 14 to 28 standard drinks a week for a man and seven to 14 for a woman.
对于那些喜欢喝点小酒的人来说,这条消息值得他们喜悦——适度喝酒的人比那些禁酒者和经常纵酒过度者更善于思维。 位于堪培拉的澳大利亚国立大学的一项调查显示,适度喝酒可以提高大脑的思维能力。但绝不碰酒或纵酒过度的结果却与之相反。 7000名年龄分别为20多岁、40多岁和60多岁的成年人参与了一项研究,研究发现,适度喝酒的人具有更强的语言能力、记忆力以及思维能力,而那些禁酒者和经常纵酒过度者则相对较差。男性每周的安全饮酒量为14到28个标准杯,对于女性来说,这一数字为7到14个标准杯。