When Marshall's car doesn't quite make it to 200,000 miles without dying completely, everybody reminisces about their greatest memories with the car.

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And my Fiero's not a Fiero that went 200,000 miles. It's okay. You know? Those are old dreams. We'll get a new car and we'll fill that one up with new memories. And that'll be the car we had when we were first married. When we owned our first house. Maybe even the first car our four kids remember. That's so sweet. The first car our two kids remember. I would like to say good-bye. You know what? This Fiero, it's effected all our lives. Affected. That's what I said. Just making sure. Got us all a lot of places. I mean maybe it's time we return the favor. This Fiero should have made it to 200,000. So, let's get it out that door. And we'll push it the last 7 miles. It'd do the same for us.
我的菲奥雷 不是一个简单的 开了200,000英里的菲奥雷 没什么 你们知道吗? 它们都是过去的梦想了 我们买个新车 开始新的生活 我们结婚的时候会是这辆车 当我们有了自己的房子 是这辆车 甚至当我们有四个孩子了 还是这辆车 太好了 但最好我们是头两个孩子记住的车 我想说再见了 你知道吗? 这辆菲奥雷 影响了我们的生活 是影响(发音不一样) 我是说影响 只是确认一下 这辆车带我们去了很多地方 我想现在是我们该帮帮它的时候了 我们应该让它跑到200,000英里 让我们把它推出去 我们推完最后.7英里 对我们也意义非凡