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最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D

God, how cool is Robin? I can't believe you invited this girl we've only known for a few months to our sacred day. Now she's gonna be in all the pictures. Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'll give you the Seahawks plus six points for 500 bucks. Are you crazy? Maybe for $50. $50?! What fun is $50?! Why don't we just bet air?! God, Marshall! Okay, $50. Hey, I'll take that action. Seahawks, but make it four points and make it a grand. Hey, these wings, are they chicken wings or angel wings? Oh, commercials! Monkey with a coconut bra. Hilarious. Look, we always watch the Super Bowl together. So we make a pact to watch it tomorrow at 6:00 and go the next 18 hours without finding out who won. That's impossible. I'm not gonna lie to you. It's not gonna be easy. That means no TV, no Internet, no newspapers, nothing. Media blackout.
天啊,罗宾多棒啊! 真不敢相信你在我们这个神圣的日子里邀请一个只认识了几个月而已的女孩来。现在所有的照片里都会有她了。 是啊,是啊,无所谓。 我赌,海鹰队。 赢6分,赌500美金。 你疯拉,50还差不多。 50美金?50美金有什么意思? 我们干脆赌空气算了 天啊,马修。 好吧,就50美金。 海鹰队,赢4分。 但是赌1000块。 这些鸡翅,到底是鸡翅,还是天使的翅膀。 广告! 穿着椰子胸罩的猴子太好笑了。 看吧,我们一直一起看超级杯的。 那么我们约好了明天6点再看, 接下来的18个小时里不准打听谁赢了比赛。 那怎么可能。 我不想骗你,那确实很难。 那意味着不准看电视,不准上网,不看报纸,什么都不做,断绝一切媒体。