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Howe Caverns
Loch Ness
Emerald Loch

最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D

Oh honey, you're awake? I'm awake. Is everything okay? Yeah. I've kind of been wrestling with something. What if I told you I had a way to pay for our honeymoon? Baby, our honeymoon's already paid for. We're going to Howe Caverns. Well yeah, but-- but what if we didn't want to spend our honeymoon in a cave? It's not just a cave, it's a whole labyrinth of caves. It's an underground adventure. There's a cave that's so dark that you don't even know you're in there. I mean, we're going to experience a whole new kind of dark. Well, what if I found a way to make a little extra money so that we spend our honeymoon not in Howe Caverns, but in Scotland? Loch Ness? Yeah. And you know, Edinburgh and the Highlands and Glasgow... Loch Ness. Nessy. Baby, I would love to search for the enchanted creature of the Emerald Loch, but... we can't afford that.
亲爱的, 你醒了? 是。 没事吧? 没事。 我被一些事困扰着。 如果我告诉你我有办法付我们蜜月的费用。 宝贝,我们已经付了钱了。 我们去地下溶洞(纽约州的一个旅游景点) 但是如果我不想在溶洞里度蜜月。 它不仅仅是一个溶洞,也是一个迷宫,这是一次地下冒险。 那有一个洞,暗到伸手不见五指,我们将会经历一种全新的不同的黑暗。 如果我发现一个办法, 可以赚一点额外的钱。 那样我可以不在溶洞里度蜜月, 而在苏格兰? 尼斯湖水怪? 是的。 爱丁堡、高地 、格拉斯哥。 尼斯湖,尼斯湖水怪。 我也想探索这个令人着迷的水怪。 但是,我们负担不起。