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Our old answering machine. Oh,yeah.After you left,we,uh,we unplugged it because it reminded Marshall of how you used to, you know,leave messages. But hey,you guys are back together. I say we're plugging it back in. It's good to have you back. Thanks. Oh,hey,look,there's still some messages on here. Hey Ted,it's Dad calling to check in. I'm going fishing this weekend with my friend Clint, so if I don't hear from you beforehand, I'll talk to you next week. Yes,same Clint. Hey,Marshall.Are you lying on the couch right now moping about Lily? You are,aren't you?Well,stop it.She's not worth it. You gotta get over that grinch. But I didn't say "grinch".I said a bad word. A very,very bad word.Oh,fudge.But I didn't say fudge.
我们原来的那个电话答录机. 是啊,你从你走后,我们...我们就把它拆了. 这个容易让马修睹物思人,因为你以前经常用它,但是你们已经破镜重圆了. 我建议我们把它装回去,算是你对回来的庆祝. 谢谢.里面还有些信息呢. 泰德,这是你老爹,这个周末我要和克林特去钓鱼.如果你留言给我的话,我下周回复你. 是的,克林特(泰德母亲的新男友). 马修,还在躺在沙发上为莉莉的离开垂头丧气啊.你在吗?不是这样的吗?不要再这样了她不值得你这样... 你应该忘记那个烂人,事实上我没有说,"烂人". 说了个更糟的词,非常非常糟的... 虚假,事实上我不是想说这是假的(而是上帝啊).