



Er ...



John Blank

Bob Graham

PS:Conversation *不用写~~~

Yes? Could I speak to Mr Smith? Er ... I don't know er I think he's out. Do you know when he'll be back? Well, I'm not quite sure. You could maybe try tomorrow. OK. Bye. Hello. Is that Janet, Bill's secretary? Yes, that's right. It's John Blank. I'm just phoning to give him an invoice number. Yeah. What is it? Oh, let me see, where is it. Yeah, I've got to have it here somewhere. Look, phone me back when you find it. I'm rather busy just now. Hello. I'd like to speak to Bob Graham. He's not here. Could you tell me when he'll be back? Later this afternoon. Well, could you take a message for me? Sorry, I don't have time. I'll have to ring off, I'm going to lunch.
对话1 你好。 能请史密斯先生接电话吗? 额。。。我不认为。。额。。我觉得他出去了。 那您知道他什么时候回来么? 我不太确定。你可以明天再试一试。 好吧。再见。 对话2 哈罗,你是比尔的秘书简么? 是的。 我是约翰•布兰克。我打电话来是想给他发货单的号码。 号码是? 噢。。。让我想想它在哪里。是的,我把它放在某个地方了。 好吧,等你找到了再给我回电话吧。我现在非常忙。 对话3 哈罗,我要找鲍勃。 他现在不在这里。 那你能告诉我他什么时候能回来么》 下午稍微晚一点。 好吧,你能帮我留个留言么? 不好意思,我没有时间。我要挂电话了。我要去吃午餐了。 翻译来自:远方的桥