HINTS: authorize defense Sally flighty bald 温馨提示: 写完单词就换行写句子~ 单词首字母不必大写~ 句首字母要大写哦~ e.g. adhere China will adhere to an independent and peaceful foreign policy in dealing with international affairs.
appropriation The mayor approved the appropriation of the new school. apt Everyone at present was very excited at his apt remark. arrogance I would on no account authorize in my child the smallest degree of arrogance. assurance The only complete defense is the elimination of nuclear weapons and assurance that they will never be produced again. athletic He is taking part in an athletic meeting. attendant Sally is too flighty to be a flight attendant. authorize I have authorized him to act for me while I am away. avail They made great efforts, but it was all to no avail. bald Too much knowledge makes the head bald. bankruptcy The company is reported to be on the brink of bankruptcy.
appropriation 拨款;挪用 The mayor approved the appropriation of the new school. 市长批准了新学校的拨款。 apt 恰当的;有……倾向的 Everyone at present was very excited at his apt remark. 在场的每个人都为其恰到好处的评论而兴奋不已。 arrogance 自大;傲慢态度 I would on no account authorize in my child the smallest degree of arrogance. 我决不允许我的孩子有半点傲慢的态度。 assurance 保证;保险;确信 The only complete defense is the elimination of nuclear weapons and assurance that they will never be produced again. 唯一完整的防御是消除核武器,并保证它们将永远不会再生产。 athletic 运动的,运动员的 He is taking part in an athletic meeting. 他参加了一个运动会。 attendant 服务员;随员 Sally is too flighty to be a flight attendant. 莎莉太轻浮了而不能胜任空姐这一职务。 authorize/ise 批准;授权给 I have authorized him to act for me while I am away. 我授权,我不在的时候,他顶替我的职务。 avail 有用,有利 They made great efforts, but it was all to no avail. 他们付出了很大的努力,但这一切都无济于事。 bald 秃顶的;光秃的 Too much knowledge makes the head bald. 知识太多催人老。 bankruptcy 破产 The company is reported to be on the brink of bankruptcy. 据报道,该公司处于破产的边缘。