450)=450"> 本文选自雅思听力Section 1,难度比较简单 HINTS £ oh 全文听写,英式拼法 订阅节目更方便
What equipments do you need for the sport? Well, first and foremost, a canoe, of course. The price ranges from £300 to £700 depending on the material that made of. The more you pay, the better you'll get. Personally, I wouldn't look at anything under £500, but that obviously depends on your budget. You also need a hard helmet to protect yourself against rocks when you fall out of the canoe and believe me that is very likely to happen. Because of this, it's a must for a beginner to wear a wet suit. Oh, bathing suits don't work really. Sometimes a life jacket is a necessity, in case you fall into water and no one else is nearby. Maybe many can't understand your passion for the dangerous sport. Do you think it's all worth it? Absolutely. I just love it. It's exciting. It's exhilarating, yet it's peaceful and it's calm. You can canoe as hard as you want to or you can take it easy. In addition to having fun, canoeing offers a workout without realizing you're working out.