公告板: 每天中午12点半,办公室英语来报道!短小精悍,专为办公一族设计。由浅入深,适合白领人士学习英语。

Hint: 1、本文出现的名称:Mr. Crandall;Maria;re-do;
Mr. Crandall, I'm sorry, but I really don't see the value in doing this entire project over from scratch. It would take a lot of work. That's certainly true. But, that's what this job is all about, Maria. There's no doubt that this project is unacceptable. I agree. But I think that we can handle the problem by making a few major changes. I'd appreciate it if you would give me a chance. All right, Maria. I'll give you until tomorrow at 4:00 to produce a satisfactory piece of work, but otherwise, you'll have to re-do it.
A:Crandall先生,请原谅。可我的确看不出有什么必要把整个方案完全推倒重做。这太费事了。 B:你说的没错,但是,这正是这个工作的重点所在,Maria。毫无疑问的,这个方案是不可接受的. A:我承认。但是我想我们可以做几处大的改动来解决这个问题。若您给我个机会就太好了。 B:好吧,Maria。我等你到明天4点拿出份令人满意的方案,否则你得重做一遍。 (翻译解析提供:脏乖)