公告板: 每天中午12点半,办公室英语来报道!短小精悍,专为办公一族设计。由浅入深,适合白领人士学习英语。

Hint: 1、本文出现的名称:Stanley Morris;Mr. Morris;
Hello! We've been waiting for our lunch order for over an hour. Did you forget our order? I'm sorry, sir. Could you tell me your name and order again, please? I'll check on the delay. The name's Stanley Morris and the order was for two chef's salads. Thank you, Mr. Morris. Please wait one moment and let me check on the order. Would you like anything to drink, sir? On the house.
A:喂?我们等午饭等了一个多小时了。你们是不是忘了我们的订餐了? B:对不起,先生。您能再告诉我一遍您的姓名以及您订的东西吗?我在订单上查一下。 A:姓名是Stanley Morris,我们订的是两份名厨沙拉。 B:谢谢您,Morris先生。请稍候,我这就查一下订单。您想来点饮料吗,先生?本店免费赠送。 on the house:免费。例:It was the publican's birthday, so all the drinks were on the house. 那天是酒店老板的生日,所以免费招待顾客喝酒。 (翻译解析提供:脏乖)