本次听力选自雅思听力Section 3,难度一般

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I expect it'll take me a while to find what I need. There's such a lot here. Yes there is, but if you need help getting started, this term we're running three study skills workshops. Oh? What are they on? Let me see. The first one's on resources. Yes, here it is. How to use the library's resources. That includes everything, not just the print and technical resources. That sounds useful. Is there anything on using the Internet? Let's see. The one on the Internet for beginners was last term. This term it's finding research materials online. That sounds interesting too. What's the last one? It's a workshop on dissertations. What do you mean - how to write one? No it's more to do with academic writing conventions, you know writing a bibliography and how to refer to sources in your text. That sort of thing. Anyway, here's a leaflet with information about all three. Thanks a lot. That'll be very useful. You're welcome.