Could there be wedding bells in Leonard and Penny's future on "The Big Bang Theory"? Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting sure hopes so.
在未来的《生活大爆炸》中,我们会不会看到Leonard和Penny喜结连理呢?Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting肯定是希望如此的。

"I'm ready for them to get married," Cuoco-Sweeting says. "Maybe because I just got married -- so come on Penny and Leonard, it's been six years!"
“我已经准备好他们俩会结婚了,”Cuoco Sweeting说。“可能是因为我刚结婚,所以也希望Penny和Leonard的六年爱情长跑能够有个好结果!”

"The writers know how dear it is to my heart that they have to end up together," Cuoco-Sweeting continues. "Their relationship is good right now. I love how they've written it -- very up and down -- like a real relationship. You go through things, it's not perfect -- life isn't a TV show and stuff happens. But right now, they have a good rapport."
“编剧知道我是有多想让Leonard和Penny大团圆结局,”Cuoco Sweeting继续说。“他们的感情现在正是非常好的时候,我喜欢编剧这样写他们的感情——有起有伏——就像是生活中的真实感情。你会经历很多,也许你们的感情并不完美——生活不是电视剧,生活中会有各种事情发生。但是现在他们的情感在走上坡路。”

While the writers are aware of her desire to see the couple make things official, Cuoco-Sweeting says the show will probably continue to see the two flub things with a few more unsuccessful proposals.
Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting说,编剧已经知道了潘小花的这个想法,不过在将来的日子里可能会有更多的求婚失败。