



Gerhard Schroeder, born in 1944, was the Chancellor of Germany from 1998 to 2005. As a member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, he led a coalition government with the Greens. Before becoming a full-time politician, he was a lawyer. He visited China a number of times while serving as Chancellor.

In the current era of globalization, China is of vital importance for our world. It is emerging as a major economic and political player and as a modern country that lives up to its international responsibilities for peace, justice and development. When it comes to peaceful global development, China has a vital role to play. No international conflicts or challenges can be resolved without China.

The world is looking forward to the start of World Expo Shanghai in 2010. The Expo’s theme “Better City, Better Life” is interesting and relevant. Countries and regions all over the world face the challenge of urbanization. How can we respond to this challenge?

We should maintain and improve the quality of life for a rising number of urban citizens. Therefore, we need to pursue a sustainable policy that will make careful use of available resources such as water, air and soil, and make us less dependent on fossil fuels. This will only be possible if we rely on greater energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources worldwide.

There is no doubt that China will present to the world a successful and unforgettable exposition. I am convinced Shanghai will be a great host to guests from all over the world.

