450)=450"> 450)=450"> 每天18:00准时更新 全文听写,英式拼法 450)=450"> [color=#408080]HINTS Dr Norton [/color]
I'd like to welcome Dr Norton to our series of lectures on study skills. And I must say, judging by the numbers of you in the audience out there, that is the most practical lecture we have had in the whole term. So rather than take up any more of your time, I'd like to introduce Dr Norton. Thank you. I'd like to begin by saying how pleased I am that so many of you have come to the first of our study skills sessions this term. Today I'll talk about how to take notes. Note-taking is quite an interesting topic to discuss. First I would ask, why do you take notes? I think you might consider two reasons. First, notes are an aid to memory. Obviously if you are reading for a long essay over a period of weeks, or for two or three essay simultaneously, then you must have some system of sorting and recalling the information you will need when you finally come to plan and write the essay. Second your notes provide the raw material on which your mind must work in relation to your set essay topic. And you will need certain types of information, such as facts, figures and direct quotations. They must be available quickly and accurately. When you take notes, the process of doing it helps you to summarise ideas and arguments, select points relevant to your purpose, and finally understand and interpret the original source.
欢迎诺顿博士来到我们学习技能系列讲座。我必须要说从在场的观众数可以判断,这会是我们整个学期以来最有用的一场讲座。因此,与其占用你们的时间,还不如让我直接介绍诺顿博士。 谢谢。首先我想要说我是如此的开心,能有这么多人来到我们这学期开设的第一期学习技能讲座。今天,我想要讨论如何做笔记。做笔记是一个非常值得讨论的有趣话题。首先,我想要问,为什么你们要做笔记?我认为你们会考虑以下2个原因。 首先,笔记能帮助记忆。很显然,如果你在一个星期内阅读一篇非常长的论文或者同时阅读2-3篇的论文,当你最终决定写这篇文章时,你肯定需要分类整理和回忆一些你所需要的信息。 第二点,你的笔记可以为你准备所写的文章提供原始的材料,同时你将会需要某些类型的信息,比如事实、数据和直接引用。它们必须要能够很快和准确的提供。当你做笔记的时候,整个过程会帮助你总结观点和论点,选择和你想法有关的要点,并且最终理解和解释原始资料。 ——By lsy34