英文“ 旧情复燃 ”怎么说?



英文“ 旧情复燃 ”怎么说?


Old Flames Never Bring Back The Love

—— swlzjj

rekindle their love eg. Amidst parlor games and idle talk, Sofia and Misha rekindle their love. 在随后的娱乐和闲聊中,索菲娅和马沙旧情复燃。 rekindle things with sb eg. Please tell me he's not trying to rekindle things with my sister again. 麻烦你告诉我,他不是又想和我姐姐旧情复燃吧? it begin again (it指love),类似的用法还有:the feeling's back. 不过这些都比较口语化。 eg. She came back and I ran into her at the Tate Modern, and it began again. 她搬回来后我们在泰德艺术馆偶遇,于是旧情复燃。

—— ember_00

Bring Back The Love 【摘要】 04 旧情复燃Bring Back The Love 05 静待时机Matter Of Time 06 这一定是你It Should Be You 07 变焦Zoom 08 不要找寻爱情Don't Look For Love 09 静静地Silently ... http://www.amazon.cn/dp/bkmu108051

—— francois007

Former friendship afterburning 应该是这样的吧

—— ziseyaojifei

love come back

—— 飛鳥川
