make up 的用法



make up 的用法


make up sth for sth make up doing sth 1.编造 When people started asking questions, she had to make up more details. 而当人们开始提问时,她不得不编造更为详细的资料。 Do you reckon you have the gift if make up story ?你看你有编造故事的本领吗? 2.讲和 Let's make up, shall we?我们讲和,好吗? Jou-chia waited for her husband to come and make up, but when after a long while he didn't appear, she put away her resentment and went to sleep. 柔嘉等丈夫来讲和,等好半天他不来,也收拾起怨气睡了。 3.弥补,偿还 We must make up for the lost time.我们必须弥补失去的时间。 Her beauty can't make up for her stupidity.她的美丽不能弥补她的愚蠢。 Hard work can often make up for a lack of intelligence. 勤奋工作往往可以弥补智力的不足。 4.补足,凑足 The rates of other Member States are raised to make up for the difference. 这一差异靠增加其他会员国的比率而相应补足。 5.化装,打扮 Today it is common that women and girls make up in public. 今天,在公共场所看到妇女和姑娘化妆打扮很普遍的事。 A team of chefs is employed to prepare meals before the wedding even begins, as is a group of women whose job it is to dress and make up the bride several times throughout the ceremony. 婚礼开始之前就会有厨师团来准备餐点,同时也会有一群妇女来负责在婚礼过程中为新娘的梳妆打扮。 6.配制 I work at the powder post, which is the area where they make up the chemicals that go into the rubber mix for tyres.我在粉末部工作,这里专门配制用于制作轮胎的橡胶混合物里的化学晶。 7.铺床,整理 They told the servants to make up a bed for the princess. 他们叫仆人替公主铺床。 8.组成,构成 Boston and Cambridge make up one of America's most sophisticated urban melanges. 波士顿和坎布里奇组成了美国趣味最高级的城市环境之一。 make up sentences with the words given. 用所给的词组成句子。

—— 雪樱飘零
