make it up 有补偿的意思???求例句



make it up 有补偿的意思???求例句


I'll make it up是我会补偿你的意思。 I'll make it up的使用场合 人非圣贤,孰能无过。每个人都有犯错的时候。当你犯错的时候,你会觉得于心有愧,于是想做一些事情补偿对方。这个时候,你可以跟对方说I will make it up. 我会补偿你的。当然也可以翻译成将功赎过。 来看一段与I will make it up的对话 Hey, have not seen you for a long time, where have you been hiding? 嘿,好久不见,你躲哪去了? Hey… 嘿… We should have met each other here one month ago. But you didn't show up at all. 一个月前我们本该在这里碰面的,但你根本没出现。 You know what? Unfortunately, I have to go now. Rain check for tomorrow? I'll make it up. I promise. 你知道吗,不巧的是,我得走了。明天补请?我会补偿你的,我保证。

—— June_yao
