sound 有熟睡的意思吗?我查了好几个词典,好像都没熟睡的意思,但是我在开心词场记单词的时候so



sound 有熟睡的意思吗?我查了好几个词典,好像都没熟睡的意思,但是我在开心词场记单词的时候so


有. 不过单单sound是没熟睡的意思.必须写 sound asleep之类的, 或则有与sleep搭配才会有熟睡的意思. sound 作为名词, 有两种意思. 一个是 声音. 另一个是 "印象"之类的意思.建议去查辞典,好得到更好的理解及用法. 例句: He crept into the house trying not to make a sound. (声音) They had a wonderful time by the sound of it. ("印象"类) From the sound of things, you were lucky to find him. ("印象"类) They're consulting a lawyer? I don't like the sound of that. ("印象"类) sound 作为动词, 我就不多说了. sound 作为形容词, 有很多意思. 括号里的是sound的意思. 例句: The proposal makes sound commercial sense. (可靠有用并合理) He gave me some very sound advice. (可靠有用并合理) He has a sound grasp of the issues. (透彻的掌握了解) We arrived home safe and sound. (safe and sound=毫发无损/安全平安) (safe and sound 要一起用才有这个意思) a sound night's sleep (熟睡) a sound piece of writing (好并正确,但还没极度优秀) sound 作为 adverb (形容动词/形容形容词) 只有一个 : sound asleep 睡得非常熟 顺带一提我有学生误认为asleep是动词, 其实是形容词. 他有这种误解也许是以为adverb只形容动词, 其实adverb 也形容 形容词.

—— FrozenWave

它一般在作形容词或副词用的时候 有酣睡的意思。或者直接用soundly也行。动词可能有吧 但好像不怎么常见。词场里只有熟睡的意思的话,应该是收录这个单词更着重强调掌握的是这一个意思,但不是说就只有这一个意思。

—— ak2325
