请问high school和middle school区别是什么?



请问high school和middle school区别是什么?


1. 用middle school好了。 2. 应该是 senior middle school和 junior middle school。 一般来说,high school和middle school的定义因国家的不同而有所不同。比如说, 对于HIgh school:“In Britain, a high school is a school for children aged between eleven and eighteen.In the United States, a high school is a school for children usually aged between fourteen and eighteen.” 对于Middle school:“In Britain, a middle school is a state school that children go to between the ages of 8 or 9 and 12 or 13. In the United States, a middle school is a school for children in the fifth to eighth grades, between the ages of 10 and 13 or 14.” (柯林斯第五版) 这主要与每个国家的教育制度有关。 按照wikipedia上面的说法,应该是用senior middle school和 junior middle school比较恰当。 对于Middle school:“In the People's Republic of China, middle school has two stages, junior stage (grades 7-9, some places are grades 6-9) and senior stage (grades 10-12). The junior stage education is the last 3 years of 9-year-compulsory education for all young citizens; while the senior stage education is optional but considered as a critical preparation for college education. Some middle schools have both stages while some have either of them.” 对于High school:“In China, the term 'high school', also 'senior middle school' (高中), often refers to the senior part of the Chinese secondary education, as opposed to the junior part, which is more commonly known as '(junior) middle school'. ” (Wikipedia) 再一例证是,某天俺上辩论课时,用了high school,俺们外教说这是不恰当的。

—— nocloudy

一般说来Middle school是初中,high school是高中。和senior high school、junior high school相比就类似于我们汉语中简称的意思。 不过现在在许多口语中 Middle school统为中学(既为既有高中又有初中的中学学校)

—— 泉烯

我认为 高中就是 senior(高级的) high school 初中是junior( 地位低下的,可以看做比senior低一个档次 .【美】(四年制中学或大学中)三年级生的,三年级的)high school 中学还可以XXX middle (中等的 ,介于大学和小学之间的,可以直接加school,与小学primary 【初等教育的】school 一样)school

—— 有拼搏或许才能创造奇迹
