making nose can form more than the bad staff. 这句话什



making nose can form more than the bad staff. 这句话什


这个不太好解释。 全句是 Maybe the truth is that there is a little bit loser in all of us. Being happy isn’t have everything in your life perfect.Maybe it is about dream together all the little things. Making nose can form more than the bad staff. Maybe we just get through it, that what we can ask for. 翻译过来是 也许我们每个人都有做失败者的时候.幸福并不意味着一切都得十全十美。幸福也许就是记住那些微不足道的小事。这些小事加在一起就会超过我们的失败。也许我们能做的就是好好生活。 微小处窥见人生全态。让我们做心的主宰。 单独这句话的意思大概是说细心观察生活中的很多小幸福,这比总是纠结于那些不好的事情要重要的多。能够从这些事情上学到的东西也多得多。 呃,自己想的,不知道对不对,不过应该可以帮助你理解一点。

—— qqqqiiii577
