how to make myself focusing on the detail?



how to make myself focusing on the detail?


So you would like to be a detail-oriented person, Right? Frankly speaking, no one is born a detail-oriented people but by daily practice on everything they meet. Well, I also used to be a student not that detail-focused>~<" But as long as you have the willing heart for a change,you can make it.^_^ Actually, what you need is adequate rest and less stress as enough sleep can guarantee you a clearer mind. Also, when you feel sleepy while working, just try a cup of water. It'll refresh your mind,too. May U success.

—— 关山度若菲


—— HGQ520

这里应该是spelling wrong吧?首先要打起精神,可能你觉得生活没什么乐趣才会做什么事都没有心思,其次练练专注度吧,可以一件件事情慢慢去做,睡前想想一天的收获,坚持一下过一段时间也许会好一点儿。。。

—— 轻寒素秋


—— fidelia1990

怎样才能让我重视起细节来呢?让我重视生活中的每一个细节。 因为我在写英文的时候总是很粗心大意,或者漏了单词,或者拼错了单词,亦或者没了某些不那么重要的字眼,为此我深感苦恼。

—— 026Jessica

From now on , make yourself careful whatever you do , and check carefully . I think that if you could carry on this rule , you will soon get over your carelessness .

—— 雪樱飘零

怎么才能使我重视细节呢?在生活的每一处。 我在写英语是总是如此的不小心。正如,丢掉单词,拼写错误,和漏掉不重要的单词。 为此我十分苦恼。

—— fxw4763
