




原意: 位 (1 和 0数字信息又称为二进制数字)和 字节(8个"位" 組成一个"字节") 在句中: 那些可以被转化为电子数据的产品,现在可很容易地被送往世界每个角落,而不再需要人工邮递。 学英语最好还是用英语来解释: bits and bytes: If you have used a computer for more than five minutes, then you have heard the words bits and bytes. Both RAM and hard disk capacities are measured in bytes, as are file sizes when you examine them in a file viewer. You might hear an advertisement that says, "This computer has a 32-bit Pentium processor with 64 megabytes of RAM and 2.1 gigabytes of hard disk space." And many HowStuffWorks articles talk about bytes (for example, How CDs Work). In this article, we will discuss bits and bytes so that you have a complete understanding. Decimal Numbers The easiest way to understand bits is to compare them to something you know: digits. A digit is a single place that can hold numerical values between 0 and 9. Digits are normally combined together in groups to create larger numbers. For example, 6,357 has four digits. It is understood that in the number 6,357, the 7 is filling the "1s place," while the 5 is filling the 10s place, the 3 is filling the 100s place and the 6 is filling the 1,000s place. So you could express things this way if you wanted to be explicit: (6 * 1000) + (3 * 100) + (5 * 10) + (7 * 1) = 6000 + 300 + 50 + 7 = 6357 Another way to express it would be to use powers of 10. Assuming that we are going to represent the concept of "raised to the power of" with the "^" symbol (so "10 squared" is written as "10^2"), another way to express it is like this: (6 * 10^3) + (3 * 10^2) + (5 * 10^1) + (7 * 10^0) = 6000 + 300 + 50 + 7 = 6357

—— 纹水


—— rituchan

新GMAT作文黄金80题范文 有一句话是: Products that can be reduced to digital “bits and bites,” such as books and magazines, recordings, and software applications, are more efficiently distributed electronically. 我只说一下我的理解吧 "bits and bites"我觉得本意应该是是点点滴滴或零星的东西,你查google就会发现有一英文博客文章是bits and bites of my life(生活点滴),而且有一种加拿大薯片的名字也是这个(所以叫零食么,嘿嘿) 在这句话中意思是有目的的旅游会由于互联网的发展而变得不必要。例如就商业来说,全球各地的人们可以便捷的从网上购买各种商品,而不用专门到当地购买。 注意区分: 计算机英语之位与字节(Bits & Bytes) O(∩_∩)O~

—— hjlaurel

这里的两个 bit 都是指比特(二进位制信息单位)。 digital "bits and bites"可译为一个个数字比特。 因为全文在讲: 除了为了观光外,其他目的的出行会越来越少因为商业世界已变得越来越依赖互联网了。 那些可以被缩小为“一个个数字比特”(意指可转化为电子数据的)的产品现在可很容易地被送往世界各个角落而不再需要人专门前往。

—— drg_fly


—— Keep_going


—— berulla


—— 晓路520
