




have it out with 与...吵架

—— 闪闪星

have sth. out 原意为to allow part of your body to be removed 将(身体的某部位) 切除或去除 eg. to have a tooth/your appendix out 拔牙,切除阑尾 have it out with 我理解为 将火气发出来,把自己内心的想法表达出来

—— matiliandeai

have it out 我不懂啊

—— 流畅交流

to have it out with sb: 与某人较量(讲明白, 摊牌), 以讨论或打斗解决争执问题, 决一雌雄 例: After having submitted to humiliation for many years, Tom finally had it out with his boss. 忍气吞声了多年后,汤姆最终和他的老板摊牌了. They decided to have it out with each other for the feud. 为了世仇他们决定决一雌雄. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 应用: A: It was good that we finally had it out with each other. Now we can try to solve our problems. 我们终于吵了一架,这是好事,现在我们可以尝试来解决我们的问题了。 B: It sounded strange to have acted this way just to solve our problems.  我们为了解决我们的问题而那样做, 听起来怪怪的.

—— lydiebleu
