Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Stradivari or Guarneri
vision-modifying goggles
Can you tell the difference between modern violins and antiques crafted by Italian masters? Don't feel too bad — expert players can't do it either. In a double-blind test, 21 experienced violinists were unable to tell the difference between rare, old instruments and new ones. The study is in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Researchers provided violinists with six high-quality instruments: three modern and three crafted by the legendary Stradivari or Guarneri in the 18th century — and worth a hundred times as much as the new ones. To prevent bias, everyone who handled the violins did so without knowing which instrument was which, in a darkened room while wearing vision-modifying goggles. A dab of perfume under the chin rests even masked the instruments' scents. After playing each violin, the subjects rated them and selected their favorite one. When it came to instrument quality, the old and new violins earned similar scores, and fewer than half of the participants chose old violins as their favorites. Apparently, a violin by any other craftsman can sound as sweet.
现代的小提琴跟意大利大师的古董纯手工小提琴如果放一起,你能辨别吗?相信你一定囧了,但是别难过,这很正常,人家专业的演奏家都分不清呢。在一个双盲测试中,21名小提琴界的老江湖就无法分辨。这项研究发表于《美国国家科学院院刊》。 研究者提供给他们6把高质量的小提琴,其中3把是现代的,3把是传奇史特拉底瓦里或瓜奈里亲手打造于18世纪的。(我们平常所说的三大制琴巨匠,就是阿玛蒂、斯特拉迪瓦里(Stradivari)和瓜奈里(Guarneri),他们都是意大利派的代表。如今最古老的小提琴藏于牛津大学博物馆,是一代名师阿玛蒂(Amati)在1564年的作品。)当然后者要比前者昂贵一百倍啊。 为了防止带上色眼镜,每个被试都没有被告知使用的是谁制作的小提琴。他们在一个光线阴暗的房间里,并且带上了视线干扰眼镜。甚至小提琴腮托上还轻抹了香水来蒙蔽被试的嗅觉。在试玩了每把琴后,被试给每把琴评了分,并选择了他们最喜欢的一把。 当谈到小提琴的质量时,新老小提琴的得分是相近的。同时,少于一半的被试把古董小提琴选为他们的最爱。所以,任何工匠制作的小提琴可能拥有一样甜美的音色。“出身”也许并不重要~好励志啊!~