Older folks may appear to react or process info slowly. But there may be a method to their meander-ness: they're making sure they get it right. Scientists gave undergrads and adults over 60 visual tests. In one, a computer screen would show an array of asterisks and the subjects had to choose as fast as they could whether there were between 31 and 50 or between 51 and 70. In a second test, the subjects saw a string of letters and quickly decided whether the letters spelled a real English word or not. The researchers found little difference in accuracy between the younger and older subjects, although undergrads had significantly faster response times. But the older participants' slower response times were not all the result of a decline in skills. In other tests, the older subjects were encouraged to decide faster, and their response times greatly decreased with hardly any loss of accuracy. The researchers think it might be a greater desire to avoid mistakes that makes the elderly more deliberate. Because, as the old adage says: if you don't have time to do something right, how will you find the time to do it again?
老人们总是好像反应或者获取信息很慢。但是或许对于他们的“慢性子”有一个解释:他们要确保他们没有弄错。 科学家给大学肄业生和成人60多个视觉试验。一个试验中,一个电脑屏幕一系列星号,试验者不管是在31-50岁之间还是51-70之间都必须尽可能快的选择。在第二个测试中,试验者看到一连串的字母然后需要很快的做出决定这些字母是否能够组合成一个真正的英语单词。 研究人员发现试验中的年轻者和年长者在准确性方面几乎没有差别,虽然肄业生很明显有反应要快的多。但是试验中的年长者的更慢的反应并非全是技不如人的结果。在别的试验中,年长的试验中被鼓励着更快的做出决定。他们的反应时间大大减小而且准确性几乎没变。 研究人员认为可能是一个更加强烈的避免犯错的意愿使得老人家更加精心考虑。因为,正如寓言所说:如果你没有时间把事情做对,又怎能找到重新做的时间呢?