Shakespeare noted that a worm may eat a king, after that king is dead. Sadly, ___1___ infect people who are still alive, especially kids. Public health advocates estimate that a third of the people on earth are infected with parasitic worms, called helminthes, particularly in poorer areas with ___2___.
Helminths harm health, but also interfere with nutrition and even ___3___. So the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, with the Partnership for Child Development at Imperial College London, launched what’s called This Wormy World. It’s an atlas of the distribution and prevalence of helminth diseases, including roundworm, hookworm and whipworm.
It’s often easy to control the parasites with cheap treatments. But resources get wasted because ___4___ are targeted at the wrong communities. The atlas should help the eradication fight by letting health officials know just where the problem areas are.
The scientists have been collecting data for the past decade. Their first map focuses on Africa, where worm ___5___ are worst. Maps for the rest of the world will be out by the end of 2010—providing a complete picture of this wormy world of ours. And a new tool to tackle it.
parasitic worms inadequate sanitation academic advancement deworming programs infestations
莎士比亚曾写道,一条小小的蠕虫就可以在国王归天后将其吞噬。可是,寄生型的蠕虫却可以感染活生生的人,尤其是小孩子。公众健康提倡者们估计地球上有三分之一的人感染了寄生型蠕虫(又称寄生虫),卫生设施恶劣的穷苦地区尤甚。 寄生虫不仅危害健康,同时阻碍营养学甚至是学术上的进步。为此,伦敦卫生及热带医学学院与伦敦大学帝国学院儿童发展合作伙伴,联手发布《虫虫世界》。这是一个寄生虫疾病分布和预防的图集,其中包括了蛔虫、十二指肠虫和鞭虫。 其实用一些价廉的治疗方法就可以很容易控制住这些寄生虫。但是因为“除虫计划”搞错了对象,这些药物资源好端端的就浪费掉了。而这些地图集刚好能帮助卫生局高清楚问题地区所在,然后将虫虫们斩草除根。 科研人员在过去十年中不停的收集数据。他们的首张地图直指虫虫们最横行的非洲。余下其他地区的地图将在2010年底出炉,届时将完整呈现我们的这个虫虫世界的面貌并研究新方案来解决。