You don't have to be a champagne buff to want the best flavor from your bubbly. So the secret to a perfect glass? It's all in the pour, according to a study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
A key player in champagne's taste is its ___1___ carbon dioxide. As that CO2 bubbles out, it releases aroma, and provides that tingly bite. As soon as you uncork a bottle, CO2 starts ___2___ the champagne into the air. But pouring it ___ 3___ that process, by increasing surface area and turbulence.
Chemists—French ones, of course—poured champagne into fluted glasses two ways. The traditional way, ___4___, splashing off the bottom—and the beer way, onto the side of a ___5___ glass. Then they measured the CO2 lost during the pour.
At 40 degrees Fahrenheit, champagne poured traditionally quickly lost a quarter of its carbon dioxide. But pouring down the side caused only half the gas loss. Closer to room temperature, the drink became flat fast, whatever way you pour. So if you want your champagne très bon, keep it cold. And pour that bubbly like it’s Bud.
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想要你的香槟酒呈现最佳口感?——你无需变成一个香槟迷。那么,如何获得一杯口感完美的香槟呢?《农业与食品化学杂志》刊登的一项研究表明,秘诀全在倒酒的方式上。 香槟口感的关键是溶解在酒里的二氧化碳。当二氧化碳向上滋滋冒汽时,会散发出一种芳香,并在品尝者口中弹跳蹦跶,释放出香槟特有的刺激口感。开启瓶盖的瞬间,二氧化碳就不断冒出。而在倾倒过程中,香槟的“飞流直下”增大了液体表面积,二氧化碳会更快速地逸出。 化学家们——理所当然是法国化学家——用槽纹玻璃杯试验了两种倒香槟的方式。一种是传统方式——直接往杯底快速倒下去,另一种像倒啤酒一样——沿着倾斜的杯壁缓缓倒入;然后检测了两种方式二氧化碳的损失量。 气温在华氏40度时,传统方式在刚开始就损失了四分之一的二氧化碳,但沿杯壁倾倒的方式总共只减少了一半的二氧化碳。气温接近常温时,无论哪种方式,倒出的香槟很快“安静”下来。所以,如果希望你的香槟拥有极佳口感,存放时要置于阴凉处;享用时要像喝“百威”那样沿着杯壁缓缓倒入。