Some people pay big bucks for a designer handbag or a luxury car—and the distinctive logo that goes along with them. Now scientists have learned that other people pay even more to leave the logo behind. The findings appear in the Journal of Marketing.
High-end goods are often ___1___ labeled. After all, if you spend all that money on a status symbol, you wanna make sure that other folks recognize your good taste, even at a distance. But researchers surveying California consumers found that people who are seriously well-off are willing to pay a ___2___ for items whose branding is more ___3___.
These patricians don’t need ___4___ symbols to advertise their wealth. Status seekers, on the other hand, are drawn to more obvious logos. These designer items let the less affluent know that they’ve been outclassed. The irony is that the logos mostly serve to ___5___ the patricians that the owner is not one of them. And then there are the posers who buy flashy counterfeit items that for the most part don’t fool anyone.
The lesson for marketers: when it comes to branding, less may be more. And you can charge a higher price for it, too.
ostentatiously premium discreet gaudy alert
有些人愿意为名牌手包、豪华轿车(以及上面独特的商标)一掷千金。而今科学家发现,还有一些人甚至愿意花更多的钱避免摊上这类商标。该研究成果发表于《市场营销杂志》。 高端产品的商标通常炫目华丽。毕竟消费者为了显示自己的身份地位在上面砸了很多钱,他希望别人即使在远处也能见识到自己的高贵品味。但是研究人员对加州消费者进行调查后发现,经济极为宽裕的人愿意花额外的钱购买商标不那么惹眼的产品。 这些贵族无须通过花哨的物品彰显自己的财富。追求显贵者反而对惹眼的商标趋之若鹜。拥有品牌货能让经济实力稍逊的人相形见绌。具有讽刺意味的是,惹眼的商标大多只能将商品持有者与真正的贵族区分开来。此外还有些卖弄虚荣者喜欢购买花里胡哨的仿货,这类仿货通常骗不了任何人。 给营销人员的一个教训:也许商标愈简,内涵愈深,你还能给商品定个好价。