City planners and citizens alike frequently ____1____ better public transportation. They argue that it can lessen traffic and reduce emissions from cars. Now there's a new reason to be gung-ho about public transit - it helps make people skinnier. That's according to a study published in the August issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
Researchers surveyed communities in Charlotte, North Carolina. One survey was done before the city had finished building a new light rail system, and the second was done from 12 to 18 months after the rail's completion. They asked about the residents' level of physical activity, ____2____ and use of public transportation before and after the light rail.
Turns out that people who started using light rail to ____3____ had a significant average weight loss over that time - ____4____ about six and a half pounds for a five-foot-five person. The users were also 81 percent less likely to become obese over the time scale surveyed.
The researchers say that an environment based on ____5____ influences health, because rail users are get exercise ____6____ stops. And since illness is costly, here's another way public transit saves money.
push for body mass commute equivalent to mass transit walking to and from
城市规划者和市民都常常极力要求要有更好的公共交通。他们认为这能减轻交通流量,减少汽车尾气排放。如今,根据《美国预防医学杂志》上发表的研究报告,又有一个新理由让人们对改善公共交通系统更加起劲儿,那就是它能使人们变得更加清瘦苗条。 研究人员在北卡罗来纳州夏洛特的社区内进行了调查。一份调查在夏洛特市建成新的轻轨系统之前展开,而另一份调查在轻轨建成之后的12至18个月内进行。他们向市民询问了轻轨建成前后他们的身体活动量、体重以及乘坐公共交通工具的情况。 结果表明,使用轻轨上下班的人随着时间推移,他们的平均体重有着明显的减轻——相当于一个身高5英尺5英寸的人减掉约6.5磅的体重。而在展开(第二轮)调查期间,使用公共交通工具的人们患上肥胖症的几率降低了81%。 研究人员表示以公共交通为基础的环境会影响健康,因为坐轻轨的乘客在来回步行去车站的时间里就得到了锻炼。而且,由于生病的高昂代价,公共交通系统也从另一种方式上给大家省了钱。