It's a ____1____ worthy of an action film - galaxies, violently torn apart, smashing into one another, leaving remnants of themselves behind billions of years later. That's the scene that ____2____ some of the oldest stars in our own Milky Way galaxy, according to work published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
Researchers ran a huge computer simulation of the evolution of the universe starting shortly after the big bang, more than 13 billion years ago. It's the most detailed model ever produced, and allowed a close examination of the make-up of the Milky Way's stellar halo. The stellar halo is ____3____ that surrounds our familiar white swirl of stars. The halo is much larger and much older than the Milky Way itself.
And the simulations show that the ancient stars in the halo were formed from young, small galaxies that ____4____ and left behind fragments of themselves, ____5____ those stars actually being born in the Milky Way when it started forming 10 billion years ago. The researchers say the scene ____6____ the dramatic - and violent - clashes that were taking place long, long ago, in a galaxy not very far away.
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这样的情节都能拍成动作大片了:星系们相互撕扯着,骤然四分五裂,彼此猛烈碰撞,仅留残余碎片在亿万年后的今天。而这一幕恰恰解释了银河系里面最古老的恒星是从何而来的,《皇家天文学会月刊》上的一篇文章如是说。 研究人员通过运行巨型计算机来模拟130多亿年前宇宙大爆炸发生不久之后的宇宙演化过程,这是有史以来最为详尽的宇宙模型,并对银河系恒星晕的构成进行了细致的观测。恒星晕就是我们所熟知的恒星外围环绕着的白色漩涡状光晕,由恒星残骸构成。而这光晕比银河系本身还要广袤、古老。 计算机模拟表明,光晕中的古老恒星由年轻、幼小的星系相互撞击所余留的碎片而形成,并非是100亿年前银河系初形成时诞生的恒星。研究人员说这一场景描绘了很久很久以前,离我们不远处的一个星系内部壮观而暴烈的缠斗撞击。