When it comes to elections, sometimes we vote with our heads and sometimes with our hearts. But scientists at Stanford say we might also be voting with our pompoms. Because they’ve found that our behavior at the polls is influenced by the results of local sporting events, work published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Humans are ___1___. And our strong feelings about one thing can spread to another. So the Stanford scientists wondered whether events that are unrelated to government performance might ___2___ the way people feel about their elected officials. And what could be less relevant to the workings in Washington or your state capital than college football?
The researchers looked at the election results from 20 years’ worth of presidential, senatorial and gubernatorial races. And they found that a home-team win before the election gave the ___3___ a boost of almost two percentage points. ___4___.
And it’s not just football. In a separate survey, the scientists found that NCAA college basketball results affected presidential approval ratings. So next election day, you might think about ___5___ stadium and state.
emotional creatures sway incumbent The more beloved the team, the bigger the bounce practicing a little separation of
说到投票选举,我们有的时候凭理智,有的时候凭感觉。不过斯坦福的科学家则指出,体育赛事也影响着我们的投票——他们发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》上的一文中表明人们的投票会受到当地体育运动的影响。 人类是感性的生物,我们对某样事物产生的强烈情感会传递到另一样事物上去。因此,斯坦福的科学家们产生了这样的疑问:和政务无关的事物是否会动摇人们对在任官员的看法呢?说到和美国国家政务或者是各州政务的联系,恐怕没有什么会比大学橄榄球赛更不沾边了吧? 研究人员查阅了20年来总统、参议员、州长的选举结果。他们发现选举之前,主队要是取得一场胜利,那么现任参选官员的支持率立马飙升近2个百分点。球队越是受欢迎,那位官员支持率的上升幅度就越大。 当然啦,这不仅限于橄榄球。在另一项调查中,科学家们发现NCAA(National Collegiate Athletic Association 全国大学体育协会)篮球赛的结果影响到了总统施政满意度。这么看来,下次选举的时候得花点心思,别让体育赛事掩盖了政绩~