• [英语听力] 有声双语美文:琐碎的快乐也是幸福

    hile alking across an open, grassy field, I became excited as my hand sooped toard the ground like an eagle attacking its prey.我走在一片开阔的草地上,就像老鹰捕食一样,我兴奋地将手朝草地里抓

    2021-10-03 07:00
  • [英语词汇] 草地的英文


    2012-06-26 13:40
  • [英语听力] 草场“轮休” (2)

    给草地一个喘息的机会Hints: 无Experts say that while rotational grazing can save money over time, it also requires planning. And that starts with a good map to mark fences, water supplies and graz...

    2010-01-26 00:00
  • [英语听力] 草场“轮休”(1)

    草场“轮休”Hints: 无Grasslands need time to rest when cattle and other animals feed on them. Moving animals from one area of pasture to another can provide the time needed for new growth. This i...

    2010-01-25 00:00
  • [英语听力] 牧场“轮休” (2)

    牧场“轮休”是很有必要的。土壤要不断承受动物的体重重压,因此密集地使用草场也会对土壤有伤害。通常,动物会避开自己的粪便,因此而减少的良好放牧空间更大。 Intensively used grasslands are also harmed ...

    2009-01-12 00:00
  • [英语听力] 牧场“轮休” (1)

    牛和其它牲畜吃草的同时,草场也需要时间来休养生息。将牲畜从一片牧场迁徙到另一片牧场可以为新草的生长提供所需的时间,这称为轮牧。Zhang Guohui Grasslands need time to rest when cattle and other anima...

    2009-01-11 00:00