• [英语词汇] 节气词汇:霜降


    2015-10-24 08:00
  • [英语词汇] 节气词汇:寒露

    【节气词汇】 Cold Dews 寒露 “Cold Dews” is the 17 solar term of the 24 solar terms and falls on October 8 or October 9 each year. It means that it’s colder than ...

    2015-10-08 14:07
  • [英语词汇] 节气词汇:秋分


    2015-09-23 08:00
  • [英语词汇] 节气词汇:白露


    2015-09-08 08:00
  • [英语词汇] 节气词汇:处暑

    【节气词汇】 Stopping the Heat 处暑 “Stopping the Heat” happens on August 23 each year when the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 150 degrees.处暑发生在每年的8月2...

    2015-08-23 14:05
  • [英语词汇] 节气词汇:立秋

    【节气词汇】 Autumn Begins 立秋 “Autumn Begins” is the 13th solar term in the 24 solar terms. It’s on August 8 or 9 every year meaning the beginning of the fall....

    2015-08-09 17:16