• [英语文化] 风靡全球的50位卡通人物(二)

    11. SpongeBob SquarePants11.海绵宝宝 Though seeral channels exist that proide entertainment made for the Y-rating crod, one cartoon has endured for more than a decade, becoming more famous than

    2017-08-06 00:45
  • [英美剧] 风靡全球的50位卡通人物(一)

    与孩子们一样,成人也喜欢卡通人物。有时将自己与他们相联系,但大多时候只是对其滑稽的动作或不幸捧腹大笑。本文列举了50个风靡全球的卡通人物,分别对他们的影响力、流行性和搞笑指数进行了介绍。 ...

    2017-08-02 00:30
  • [英语文化] 风靡全球的50位卡通人物(五)

    41. Felix the Cat41.菲力猫 Felix the Cat is a black and hite cat created during the silent film era of the early 20th Century. His simple form and face make him easily recognizable, and his magi

    2017-03-28 09:40
  • [英语文化] 风靡全球的50位卡通人物(四)

    31. Arthur31.亚瑟 Arthur is a highly recognizable character from his on children's book series that made the leap to a T cartoon on PBS in Arthur. And if you're ondering, yes, he's a

    2017-03-24 14:54
  • [英语文化] 风靡全球的50位卡通人物(三)

    21. Pink Panther21.粉红豹 Like Fat Albert, Pink Panther is a character ho inspires a tune in your head as soon as you see him, this one in a jazzy saxophone. It as a series of animated shorts, d

    2017-03-21 10:00
  • [英语词汇] 卡通形象的英文怎么说


    2012-07-01 19:05