• [英语阅读] Quora精选:10个字总结生活有多丧

    hat is a sad fact of life in less than 10 ords?用最多10个字说明生活有多丧 获得51.1k好评的回答@Hiba Khan: 1.You’re more likely to kill yourself than anyone else.1.你杀死自己的可能性比其

    2019-03-03 00:00
  • [英语文化] 来自喵星人:10句有点"丧"的生活真相

    10+ Brutal Life Truths Told By Cute Cats Will Give You Mixed Feelings 来自喵星人:10句有点丧的关于生活的真相 Work hard and your dreams still may not come true. 有时候努力工作...

    2017-05-14 09:00
  • [英语词汇] 丧的英文怎么说


    2012-06-20 11:15