While it's the voters ultimately deciding who will win the title of "American Idol" each season, the judges' input can't be ignored.


But what are the judges really saying when they toss out some of their favorite phrases? Could it possibly be that new judge Ellen DeGeneres really does think every contestant is "amazing" and really does love each one? Is Simon Cowell attempting to play mind-games when he refers to a performance as "indulgent?"

评审的一些口头禅背后隐含的意思是什么?新评审Ellen DeGeneres说每位选手都“很棒”,是真心话吗?她真的喜欢这些选手的表现吗?Simon Cowell在评论一个选手“任性”的时候,是在玩思维游戏吗?

We try and translate some of DeGeneres', Cowell's, Randy Jackson's and Kara DioGuardi's favorite assessments of the performers.


When Simon says ...


"You didn't do anything different with the song." What he really means is "I am incredibly bored right now. Thank goodness they pay me so much money to sit here and listen to this."

“这首歌你唱得毫无新意。” 言外之意:“我快无聊死了。还好坐着听这种东西是有钱拿的。”

"You are a Broadway singer." What he really means is "At this point, I have absolutely no idea how in the world we would market you if you were to win."

“你很适合百老汇。” 言外之意:“如果你赢了,我们还真不知道怎么包装推广你。”

"I didn't love the song, but you sang it very well." What he really means is "That wasn't nearly as bad as I anticipated."

“我不喜欢这首歌,但是你唱得很好。” 言外之意:“没我想象那么差。但是还是很差。”

When Kara says ...


"You have a great radio voice." What she really means is "It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if you won this competition."

“你的声音很有之声的感觉。” 言外之意:“你要是赢了,倒也没那么糟糕。”

"That was authentic. I felt it" What she really means is "You were able to cover that song without sounding like a bad karaoke rip-off."

“你和原唱简直不相上下。” 言外之意:“你的翻唱比KTV里唱歌的人稍好那么一点。”

"Part of the problem is that you haven't figured out who you want to be as an artist yet" What she really means "You haven't been able to take the extremely confusing critiques we have been giving you and synthesize that into giving us exactly what we want."

“有一个问题就是,你还没想好要成为何种类型的艺人。” 言外之意:“你没法理解我们给出的那些令人困惑的建议,因此无法给我们一个满意的表演。”

When Randy says ...


"I don't know. That just didn't work for me." What he really means is "That was awful, and I know you can do better than that."

“我不知道该怎么说,但我就是对你不感冒。” 言外之意:“太糟了,你可以做得更好的。”

"Listen, the song was a little bit too big for you." What he really means is "You don't have that great of a voice to even go there."

“听着,你还不能很好地驾驭这首歌。” 言外之意:“你的嗓子根本就唱不了这样的歌。”

When Ellen says ...


"You are adorable" What she really means is "You might want to start thinking about a career in acting instead of music."

“你太迷人了。” 言外之意:“还是考虑转行当演员吧。”

"You have such a great personality!' What she really means is "You are cute, but not as adorable as some of the others so let's focus on some of your better attributes, shall we?"

“你的个性很讨人喜欢。” 言外之意:“你很可爱,但是别的选手比你更棒,所以我们还是把注意力放在你的其他优点上面吧。”

"You know I am a fan of yours ..." What she really means is "I am about to deliver a comment that should be harsh, but because I am so nice I will completely sugar-coat it."

“我是你的粉丝哦……” 言外之意:“接下来我要说些不中听的话了,但是我人很好,所以会把话说得好听一点。”
