

据悉,此次赞助的BlackBerry智能手机将配备给上海世博局的公务人员使用,以方便他们在世博会筹备及开展期间更好地沟通与协作。BlackBerry 解决方案可以让使用者轻松管理电话、邮件、短信、日程和其他信息,同时,为配合世博会组织者的需求,BlackBerry智能手机将配备有专门的内容和量身定制的办公自动化(OA)应用程序,让使用者可随时随地处理内部请求。另外,在《上海日报》的支持下,可提供该报新闻内容的应用程序也将被植入到BlackBerry智能手机中。

Research in Motion (RIM) will provide its award-winning BlackBerry smartphones for the staff of the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination to ensure efficient communications.

RIM today signed a sponsorship agreement with the organizer, promising to equip the smartphones with office automation systems catering to the demands of the Expo staff. With the support of Shanghai Daily, a system designed to receive the newspaper's information will also be embedded in the smartphones.

The Canadian company creates solutions for the worldwide mobile communications market, including the software that allows the BlackBerry smartphone to provide mobile access to e-mail, applications, media and the Internet. It is based in Waterloo, Ontario.

Chen Xianjin, deputy director general of the Shanghai World Expo Coordination, said RIM’s agreement would significantly boost the efficiency of communications and cooperation among organizers.

Gregory Shea, president of RIM China, said RIM felt honored to be involved in the Expo and the sponsorship is in recognition of BlackBerry's services to customers.

